
首页 » PageAdmin使用区 » 安装及使用交流 » 虚拟主机不支持INDEX.ASPX
kuyo - 2009/4/1 22:17:00
首页默认文档不支持index.aspx  .. 只有default.aspx
xiyou - 2009/4/1 22:28:00

在    <Rules>下面加一排内容


kuyo - 2009/4/2 9:36:00
谢谢答复。。 。
加上后, 再COPY index.aspx 重命名成DEFAULT.ASPX  首页显示空白 。。。:Q   有什么遗漏么 ,,,谢谢了 。。
我让他们客服加默认文档,。。 那小子回复了 。。。NND

Dear  ,
Thank you for contacting Online Support,
I apologize for any confusion. This is the order of precedence for the default files on your Windows hosting account, unfortunately we will not be able to add another file name to the default files list. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause:

   1. default.asp
   2. default.html
   3. default.htm
   4. default.aspx
   5. default.php
   6. default.shtml
   7. default.shtm
   8. index.html
   9. index.htm
  10. index.asp
  11. index.php
  12. index.shtml
  13. index.shtm
  14. home.html
  15. home.htm
  16. home.shtml
  17. home.shtm
  18. welcome.html
  19. welcome.asp

NOTE: If ColdFusion is enabled on your Windows hosting account, index.cfm is given top default file precedence.
If you would like more control over the index file list for your hosting account, you may want to look into our Virtual Dedicated or Dedicated Servers. You may find more information on the Dedicated and Virtual Dedicated servers that we offer at the links below:
• Dedicated Servers
• Virtual Dedicated Servers

Please let us know if we can help you in any other way.
Matthew P.
Online Support Team
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